Our Services
What we do: We install 4” x 6’ stickers on the garage wall for thousands of homeowners, which lists names and numbers of key service providers. Our crews are well trained and proficient in placing marketing material in homes in mass numbers. We also provide homeowners with a Glovebox Guide.
Why you should call us today: When your contact info is the only one, in your category, in plain sight on the homeowner’s wall, you will be the one getting more calls and more customers!
The Vital-5 Garage Sticker
The Vital-5 sticker service categories include: Garage Door Services, Plumbing Services, HVAC Services, Electrical Services, and Pest Control.
Call us today to become the sole service provider listed in your category, in your area. If you are a high quality service provider and want to grow, we want to help!
The Glovebox Guide
Our Glovebox Guide is intended provide auto owners with helpful information and contacts when they are broken down, stranded, in an accident, have a chipped windshield, chipped paint, or need legal help, auto-detail, tow service, key retrieval, tire repair, and more!
Call now to be included in our next Glovebox Guide campaign in your area!
Home & Town Coffe Table Book
The Home & Town Coffee Table Book is COMING SOON. The book will contain up to 30 categories of home services, such as painting, flooring, patio, closets, kitchen, landscape, and many more services.
The “Town” portion of the book will provide insight into the town, its services, as well as restaurants, boutiques, salons, and much more.